A winter salad to freshen your plate

As February melts into March, spring is now just around the corner here in Brooklyn. Even as winter tries to throw one more polar vortex at us, it won’t be long now before the first green shoots start popping up. Even so, we’re now entering one of the saddest times of year for fresh produce at the greenmarket, as the winter stocks of squashes and apples begin to run low while the fresh greens of early spring are still a couple months away. This is the time to turn to the canned, pickled and frozen spoils of last season’s garden, but what if you want to eat fresh? Enter the healthy winter salad.

Winter salad arugula grown indoors

Winter arugula grown indoors

Every year as the first freeze hits, I abandon the tomatoes, peppers and squashes to their fate, watch the berry plants go dormant, and bring in a select few herbs to form the indoor winter garden – rosemary, lavender, thyme, mint, parsley. This year in addition to carrying over the herbs I decided to start an indoor crop just for winter, and planted a box of arugula.

Arugula is an ideal mini crop to grow indoors during winter – it prefers things on the cooler side, does ok with partial sun, and has roots that don’t go too deep, making it perfect for containers (I grew mine in an old wooden wine box). Plus you get a lot of nutritional bang for your buck as arugula has high levels of phytochemicals, antioxidants, and vitamins (particularly vitamin A). When harvesting, pull the larger outer leaves off and leave a few of the tiny center ones so it keeps growing back again & again.

Arugula has a nice peppery zest to it and you can use your crop in a number of different ways – in a pesto, in pasta dishes, or of course in a fresh salad. For my salad, I combined arugula with seasonal citrus and watermelon radishes, to make a fresh, healthy, and colorful addition to a winter meal.

Winter salad with arugula, citrus, and watermelon radishes

A simple winter salad of arugula, citrus, and watermelon radishes

Winter salad with arugula, citrus, and watermelon radishes
Recipe type: salad
Prep time:
Total time:
Serves: 4
Brighten up your winter table with this light, healthy, and colorful salad. Watermelon radishes add bright red color, but you can substitute other kinds as well.
  • 4 cups arugula, rinsed and drained
  • 4 clementines or 1 large orange, peeled
  • 4 large radishes (preferably watermelon variety), washed
  • 1 shallot, minced
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
  • ¼ tsp pepper
  • ⅛ tsp salt (to taste)
  1. Make vinaigrette: Mix lemon juice, shallot, salt, and pepper in bowl. Drizzle in olive oil slowly while whisking to combine.
  2. Cut radishes lengthwise, then slice crosswise into thin discs.
  3. Separate citrus segments - for clementines, use entire segments. For oranges, cut segments in half.
  4. Combine arugula, radishes, and citrus. Toss with vinaigrette & serve.
  5. Make this salad your own: mix in other elements to make it more substantial. You can add mesclun greens, endive, fennel, pear or apple slices, chopped red onion, avocado slices, walnuts, or feta cheese.


This salad has a lot of bite to it – if it’s too much zing for your palate, you could mix in some mesclun greens, and any high fat toppings you might add such as avocados, nuts, or feta cheese will help balance and tame it as well.  Or try a cooked version – sautée the radishes in oil or butter with a little salt & pepper until soft, toss in the arugula & turn off the heat so it just wilts, and add the citrus last.

Massage Your Greens

So kale may very well be the “it” vegetable of 2013, with the New York Times proclaiming “The fashionable plat du jour these days is the humble kale salad”. And rightfully so, given its antioxident rich nutrient profile. But how about some love for kale’s less trendy cousins? I’ve got some collard greens growing in my garden, and I was surprised to find out that they are actually the exact same species of plant as kale. In fact cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts are also different cultivars of that same species, Brassica oleracea. Who knew?

massaged collards

The collards on the left have been massaged for a few minutes, on the right is their natural state

Those veggies all look rather different but share a similar taste, and to a majority of us (about 70%) that taste is bitter. The bitter flavor compounds are related to a chemical called PTC, which you might have encountered in biology class when the teacher gave you little paper strips to taste and 3/4 of the class made “ick” faces as the rest wondered what the fuss was about. That’s because you need a certain gene to taste the bitterness, and if you don’t have it, brassica veggies probably taste pretty good.

Now getting back to trendy kale – that fashionable plat du jour is actually the massaged kale salad, which when I first heard about it sounded like a bunch of foodie crap. But confronted with a harvest of collards and not really wanting to cook in the heat of summer, I figured I’d give it a try. The theory is that by rubbing the leaves together you essentially cause them to wilt – the cell walls break down and enzymes are released, making the leaf both less tough and less bitter. Most recipes also call for working in a dressing with salt, an acid, and a fat, which further cause the leaves to break down as well as working to cut the bitterness on your palate.

Lo and behold, it works! So, if you’re not afraid to get your hands dirty for a few minutes, here’s a simple, healthy salad:

Massaged Collard Green Salad
Recipe type: salad
Prep time:
Total time:
Serves: 2-4
Massaging greens like collards or kale softens them and tames their bitterness, allowing them to be used raw as the base for a healthy salad.
  • One bunch collard greens or kale
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • Toppings of your choice (bacon bits, parmesan cheese, sundried tomatoes, walnuts - whatever you've got handy)
  1. Wash the greens, remove the stems, and tear the leaves into rough pieces
  2. In a large bowl, add the lemon juice, olive oil, and salt to your greens
  3. Get your hands in there & grasp large handfuls of greens, crushing and rubbing them together like you're kneading bread. Keep this up for 2-3 minutes or until the greens are pretty well wilted.
  4. Mix in your toppings and serve!


Kitchen Lab: Onions Without Tears?

cut onions without crying

Big Bowl o’ Onions

Here’s a follow-up from last week’s article on French onion soup.  Ok, I’ll admit it. I was practically weeping like an infant by the time I was done researching this one. Yet for you, dear reader, I mangled my way through a half dozen onions in an attempt to prove which of these purported techniques let you cut onions without crying.

So why does prepping such a basic ingredient make us feel like we’ve entered a tear gas factory? As a defense mechanism, onions absorb sulfur from the soil to create pungent compounds which make them impalatable to the animals who might otherwise want to dig them up and eat them. Each cell in an onion contains not only amino acid sulfoxides, but also a storage vacuole (basically a bag of liquid floating in the middle of the cell) with enzymes. When you break the cell apart, the enzymes mix with the sulfur compounds and produce a volatile gas (propanethiol S-oxide). This in turn wafts up to your eyes where it combines with water to form sulfuric acid. No wonder you’ve got tears!

The good news is that when heated, these sulfur compounds react with each other and with other substances to produce a range of characteristic flavor molecules that give onions the savory, meaty quality which adds depth to so many dishes. So how then to get to this deliciousness without the tears?  Here are the top 10 theories that I tested in an afternoon of not so scientific experimentation: [Read more…]

Learning to Love Grapefruit

January is the time of year when I always seem to inherit a pile of fruit that arrived as a holiday gift.  You know what I’m talking about — that box full of apples, pears and citrus that appears on the doorstep one day like some kind of time capsule from an era before supermarkets.  In any event, it’s an old timey delivery of vitamin C and a wish for good health in the new year.  Yet by February I’m still left wondering “what do I do with all these damn grapefruit?”

Broiled grapefruit with cinnamon sugar

Broiled grapefruit with cinnamon sugar

The grapefruit was born in the West Indies in the 18th century as the bastard child of a sweet orange and a pomelo.  The name refers to the fact that they grow in clusters, which when unripe look like a giant bunch of green grapes.  By the early 20th century they had made it to Florida and Texas, where one of them mutated to form a pink variety.  Growers of the atomic age fiddled around with this by blasting it with radiation and created the ruby reds that we have today.

The color in the red varieties comes from the antioxident lycopene, and grapefruit also contain large quantities of spermine, which is alleged to be the fountain of youth.  Grapefruit have a low glycemic index so they won’t spike your blood sugar, they may help lower cholesterol, and proponents of the grapefruit diet swear that they are stocked with fat burning enzymes.  On the downside, grapefruit can mess with the metabolism of certain drugs like Lipitor with potentially fatal consequences.  So, like many things, grapefruit will cure all that ails you, unless of course they kill you first. [Read more…]

100 Ingredients to Keep in the Kitchen

Wow, 100 sounds like a huge number, doesn’t it?  I’ve got a pretty compact New York kitchen, and yet when I did a quick inventory that’s what I found.  These are the ingredients I always keep around.  Even as I bring in new items to star on the plate, these guys are the ensemble cast that fills in as needed to create the finished dish.

The types of staples that you have handy will obviously vary based on personal taste and diet, and also by the food cultures you’ve been exposed to and love.  But for providing a broad and versatile palette to work from, these are my go-to essentials.
In the pantry [Read more…]